DJ Inno was born on July 30, 1981 in Aix-en-Provence. Franco-Congolese Métis (bzv).
It was towards the end of the 80s that he discovered hip hop thanks to his older brother and that he began to forge his own musical sense.
First booms and first contact with Zouk, of which he will become a fervent admirer over the years.
His love for music led him to try his hand at hosting birthday parties first in Blois, then in Toulouse where he bought his first turntables.
From birthday to birthday, his name slowly begins to make itself known in Toulouse and especially in the Afro-Caribbean community. He regularly mixes at nightclubs such as Maracas, La Luna, and Bentleys.
With his high school friends, he created LSK and offered Toulouse its first Miss and Mister Black election in 2003, which quickly became an unmissable mid-summer evening.
2008, year of his first contact with Canada. He makes every effort to return there to live from his passion there full time.
2010 done. He moved to Montreal and collaborated with Melorize and mixed regularly in the city's Afro clubs.
2013 Return to France where he continues his passion through Kizomba evenings in Toulouse to finally go, in 2016, to settle in Paris to flourish and produce gouyad titles such as BA LI LOVE in collaboration with DJ Ralph Bb or kizomba with TAYL'OR (With You)...
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